Thursday, December 20, 2012

Springtime on Easy Street - Part 3

Yes, I'm running behind at the moment.  This happens every year... Despite my best intentions, I just don't manage to keep up with the steps.  Finals were a priority, as I needed to get the best grades possible for admission to the RN program next year.  Plus, I had an admission exam for said RN program...  I'm so glad the studying is over for a few weeks! 

The other thing that slows my sewing progress is the fact that I "lose" my sewing area every Christmas.  You see, our living room is very long and narrow.  If the furniture is along the walls, it feels like a bowling alley!  We have  the furniture arranged so that it's comfortable and welcoming, but that left an area about five feet deep behind everything.  I claimed that as my sewing area!  I have a table and desk back there, a power outlet, and a light - so it's just about perfect!  During the holidays, though, we put the Christmas tree (a small live one in a pot) on my table.  That means my sewing machine has to move somewhere else...  Then I'm not as motivated, or I don't have a good place for it...  It's okay, though - I know I'm not the only one a little behind!  So here are some of my step 3 blocks, the shaded 4-patches.

I was really excited to get to use my pinks for this step.  I just love the way they play off the purples, and my neutrals have a calming effect on the vibrant colors.  I'm going to make sewing a priority tomorrow, and am planning on at least getting my steps 4 and 5 cut out, and a couple of each sewn up.

Did I mention I love my fabrics? :)


  1. I love your fabrics, too! It's fun seeing the colors together. It will be a very cheery quilt when it's done.

  2. Your colors look great together! Here's hoping you get the best grades possible on your finals and on your RN program admission exam! My sister-in-law went through the RN program at UNC and has worked at the Denver Children's Hospital for about 25 years now. She loves it! Can't wait to see how your quilt turns out. Happy Sewing!

  3. I think your fabrics are awesome too! Very vibrant! Can't wait to see your version!
